Contec, in line with the company policy developed over time and with the aim of pursuing continuous organizational improvement, has integrated its Uni En Iso 9001 Quality System, also obtaining Uni En Iso 14001 and Ohsas 18001 certifications. The three certifications constitute the so-called Integrated System (Quality, Environment and Safety), proving that Contec is able to operate on the basis of a series of parameters aimed at guaranteeing the end customer, the community and employees, verified and constant standards.
Uni En Iso 9001, 14001 and Ohsas 18001 certifications are based on some important principles: continuous improvement as a methodological approach to work and a product-oriented culture; customer satisfaction that guarantees Contec‘s ability to put excellent products and services on the market, corresponding to the demands of the final stakeholders and in compliance with the relevant legislative requirements; quality control in order to spread the culture of process and product control within the company; inter-functionality and communication to manage the exchange of information between the various functions and the sharing of actions taken with the aim of achieving what was planned, respecting time and resources; risk control aimed at identifying and assessing hazards related to the health and safety of workers, through prevention and control of workplaces. To all this is added a series of additional certifications (Uni En Iso 3834, Uni En Iso 3834-2 and En 1090-1/A1) and technical certificates, the result of Contec‘s concrete commitment to specialized employee training and attention to the real needs of customers.